I had to use the "Legend" attribute of HTML in a project today, normally this is used in forms but I had to use it to post a Cautionary Statement on the home page of a project, you can take a live look at that here; http://samnelson.biz/jsr/ Also you can use the "View Source" option to check how I setup this stuff using aid from CSS. But there is one issue, I am still not able to find out a way to "center" the legend text i.e. "Cautionary Statement" here in IE. :) I am using IE 8 and it's showing it on the Left, both FireFox and Chrome are showing it in the center, for Chrome the css property "text-align:center;" works and for FireFox simple aligm="center" makes it in the middle of the top border, I also change the border style with CSS by using;
You can find more help on this at this page: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/forms/article.php/3479111/Fieldsets-and-Legends.htm
style="border: solid 1px #b9d9ed;"
You can find more help on this at this page: http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/forms/article.php/3479111/Fieldsets-and-Legends.htm